Juan Raúl Padrón Griffe

About me
I am a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow of the EU Project PRIME and a PhD candidate at the Graphics and Imaging Lab. My PhD thesis under the supervision of Prof. Adolfo Muñoz and Prof. Adrian Jarabo focuses on physically-based rendering and appearance modeling of multi-scale materials, such as biological tissues (skin, scales and feathers) and intricate human-made objects (cosmetics). Previously, I earned my Bachelor of Sciene degree in Computer Science at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, where I specialized in computer graphics and imaging processing. My undergraduate thesis explored the generation and visualization of procedural terrains. Later, I received my Master of Science degree in Informatics at the Technical University of Munich, concentrating on computer graphics, computer vision and machine learning. During my Master studies, I conducted research on 3D Scanning and Neural Rendering for object and face relighting advised by Dr. Justus Thies. Beyond my academic experience, I have two years of software development experience in backend technologies (.NET, Service Stack, Java, Spring).

Looking for Opportunities
I recently submitted my Ph.D. dissertation under the title “Modeling and Rendering of Multiscale Materials”. I am currently seeking both postdoctoral and industry opportunities where I can apply my expertise in computer graphics, computer vision and artificial intelligence for the digital acquisition, representation and understanding of the visual world. My combined expertise in computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning, and software engineering allows me to tackle complex technical challenges from both a research and implementation perspective, If you're interested in collaboration or have an opportunity that aligns with my expertise, please feel free to reach out!


Collaborative Augmented Reality on Interactive Surfaces

2019, Oct 12    

Nowadays, the conceptual design process of early architectural ideas has gained significant attraction. Technology plays an essential role in making this process more intuitive and efficient. Based on this premise, the Collaborative Design Platform was developed at the Technical University of Munich as an interdisciplinary research project between the Augmented Reality and Architectural Informatics chairs.

We strongly believe that current Augmented Reality technologies can improve significantly the user experience on the early design process stages. Augmented Reality has the power to visualize any data that we want in the real world. In particular, Microsoft HoloLens seems to be a good candidate. Therefore, the main goal of my Interdisciplinary Project is the integration of Microsoft HoloLens devices to the CDP platform using the HoloToolkit in Unity. This mean that users can see and interact with the virtual scene directly on top of the projection surface.


Interative Table Setup Planes on Interative Table Marker Calibration

Advisor: Ivan Bratoev
Supervisors: Gerhard Schubert, Frank Petzold


For the Performance Based Design project, we develop a plugin in Rhino to help architects with the task Aufstockung, i.e., raising an existing building by one or more floors. This plugin can compute the maximum building volume and the optimal numbers of bulding modules based on the legal and physical restrictions provided by the user such as maximum height or GFZ. In addition, we consider the adaptation to the staircases.


Aufstockungs Tool 1 Aufstockungs Tool 2 Aufstockungs Tool 3

Instructors: Chloe Eghtebas, Gerhard Schubert
Team Members: Juan Raul Padron Griffe, Ines Nopper, Hannah Winklmann

Brochure Demo Video

Most of the work was done by Innes Nopper and Hannah Winklmann, so I really encourage you to check their profiles if you are interested in these topics.